sustainability report fy20 hero

IKEA Sustainability Report FY20

The financial year 2020* was challenging in many ways. The pandemic called for extraordinary measures to mitigate the effects for co-workers, business partners and communities along the value chain. At the same time, the IKEA business continued to deliver on the long-term sustainability strategy.

“This exceptional year has made us even more determined to accelerate our efforts to tackle climate change and advocate for a circular and equal society. The Covid-19 crisis is in many ways a people crisis,” says Lena Pripp-Kovac, Chief Sustainability Officer, Inter IKEA Group.

You can find more details in our Sustainability Report FY20 which is available now online and to download.

** We consider a goal to be fully reached when we achieve more than 98% fulfilment overall. Due to unexpected disruptions or development of new suppliers/business partners, we cannot guarantee 100% fulfilment at every given point in time