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Mentor Together

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Mentor Together empowers young people in India by connecting them with mentors to boost their career skills and overcome social barriers

In India, many young graduates face significant challenges when entering the job market. Despite more students enrolling in higher education, only 46% are considered employable because their skills don't always match what employers are looking for. The situation is even more challenging for young women due to restrictive social norms and limited professional networks, leading to a large gap in workforce participation—only 30% of educated women work compared to 80% of men.


Dela V Accelerator
in partnership with Ashoka

Mentor Together, led by Arundhuti Gupta, is dedicated to addressing these challenges by providing a robust and supportive mentoring network. The organisation connects young people from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds with experienced mentors who can offer career guidance and support. They especially focus on helping young women by providing career advice, skills development, and valuable connections in the professional world.

Since its inception, Mentor Together has achieved significant milestones. The organisation has established a national network of over 220 educational institutions and 40 corporate partners. This extensive network has facilitated connections between more than 38,000 mentees and 15,000 mentors through their career mentorship platform. To date, Mentor Together has arranged over 7,000 mentorships, resulting in remarkable improvements for participants: 77% of mentees reported better career decision-making, 69% improved their social skills, and 71% increased their confidence and self-efficacy after completing the programme.

Programme support

Through Dela, we'll support Mentor Together in scaling its impact and further developing its strategy for a digital mentoring ecosystem in India. We look forward to being part of the journey as the team continues to bridge the gap between education and employment and close the gender gap in the workforce.