Tierra de Monte utilizes agrotechnology to improve smallholder farmers’ crop productivity and quality
Tierra de Monte is a social enterprise that creates eco-friendly solutions to increase crop productivity and quality, while promoting sustainable agriculture among smallholder farmer communities. It creates biological products based on concentrates of bacteria and fungi, complemented with plant nutrients and botanical extracts, that rapidly increase soil productivity and crop quality.
Querétaro, Mexico
Mexico Accelerator 2021
in partnership with New Ventures
According to the UN, 200,000 people globally die each year as a result of chronic exposure to agricultural chemicals. The overwhelming majority of those killed are farmers in the developing world. Most of these smallholder farmers lack access to credit, technology and technical support that could free them from spiralling poverty and give them opportunities to engage in new practices that guarantee their safety and health, as well as preserve local ecosystems.
With their quality and productivity-increasing products, Tierra de Monte provides rapidly working solutions for Mexican farmers, so they can overcome these challenges. The social enterprise also gives technical assistance, which is provided jointly by their technical-scientific team and their partners in the field.
Supporting 22 rural communities, Tierra de Monte has directly benefited around 25,000 people across the country. By looking at agriculture differently, it also wants to transform the way people eat in cities, providing healthier foods that reduce the incidence of diseases. The company is proud to work with vulnerable groups, such as farmers living on just a few dollars a day, indigenous people, persons with disabilities, as well as refugees and migrants looking for new opportunities.
Programme support
Tierra de Monte has won several national and international recognitions for their work in agricultural technology and innovation. However, the management team sees their participation in the Mexico Accelerator as an opportunity to improve the company’s scalability.
Convinced that “the most dangerous thing is to stop learning” as Tierra de Monte CEO Adriana Luna expresses it, they will use the coaching, mentoring and grant support to finetune their marketing-communications narrative, increase their efficiency and accelerate sales. The team also wants to build an ecosystem for stronger alliances, especially with business-to-business partners.
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Learn more about Tierra de Monte.
This video was originally published as an Instagram story on the New Ventures Instagram channel as part of its 'One Day With...' video series.