Fundación 26 significantly improves the lives of LGBTQ elderly people, and fosters inclusive, supportive communities
The Fundación 26 de Diciembre addresses the unique and often overlooked challenges LGBTQ individuals face as they age. Many older lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people experience social isolation, discrimination, and a lack of adequate resources tailored to their specific needs. These individuals have often lived through decades of societal rejection and invisibility, leaving them vulnerable as they grow older. Traditional care systems frequently fail to recognise or address the intersection of age with sexual orientation and gender identity, resulting in the absence of safe, supportive environments where they can express themselves freely and access necessary support.
Madrid, Spain
Dela V Accelerator
in partnership with Ashoka
One of the foundation's flagship initiatives is the management of six supervised homes, which provide safe and supportive housing for LGBTQ elders in vulnerable situations. These homes are not just places to live; they are communities where residents can connect, share experiences, and feel valued. Moreover, the foundation is developing a specialised residence for older LGBTQ individuals. This project has garnered interest from major residential care companies eager to incorporate diversity and inclusivity into their operations.
To date, the foundation has provided personalised care to over 5,000 LGBTQ older people, ensuring they receive essential health and social services. Their community-building efforts have also made a marked difference, with over 1,000 participants engaging in regular events, workshops, and social gatherings each year. These initiatives have successfully reduced isolation and loneliness, fostering a strong sense of community among LGTBI elders.
Programme support
Through the Dela programme, Fundación 26 aims to scale up its impact by consolidating the systemic changes it has initiated. We look forward to supporting the team as it builds a society that genuinely values diversity at every stage of life, ensuring that older LGBTQ people can age with dignity and respect without fear of discrimination.