Jaguza Tech Uganda Ltd.


East Africa Accelerator 2021
in partnership with  Acumen  

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Jaguza Tech aims to transform the livestock farming sector in Uganda

Jaguza Tech is an ag-tech company started and incorporated in 2017 that aims to transform the livestock farming sector by solving three major problems plaguing this sector. These problems are the extensive loss of livestock to common diseases, livestock rustling and the lack of proper livestock tracking and management systems.

The enterprise transforms the sector through the development and deployment of a livestock management system that uses the internet of things, Data science and Bi data to solve the problems above in order to strengthen food security while improving livestock production

As of March 2021, the Jaguza Livestock management system has registered more than 18,000 users, about 80% of whom are active users, frequently consulting the application on a weekly basis. They have 8,000+ farms registered across 13 countries.