Kip Tik
LocationChiapas, Mexico
Mexico Accelerator 2021
in partnership with New Ventures
Kip Tik innovates in traditional craftmanship to create better daily lives for Mexico’s indigenous communities
Kip Tik is a social enterprise that promotes the collaboration between artisans, designers and brands, while at the same time contributing to better daily lives for indigenous communities in Chiapas through strategic social investments. This way, Kip Tik seeks to keep alive the culture and identity of each of these communities and present the potential of Mexican handmade products to the world.
The company is known for discovering innovative ways to showcase artisanal craftsmanship and masterfully translating traditional techniques to new contexts. With a focus on quality assurance and continuous improvement, Kip Tik pays fair wages and builds economic security for the artisans and their families.
Actually, Kip Tik collaborates with over four hundred artisans from different indigenous communities in the highlands and jungle of Chiapas, as well as in Oaxaca, Guanajuato, Puebla and Michoacán. Kip Tik handcrafted items, such as garments and home decoration products, are sold in galleries and local shops.
The second line of business consists of product development for other brands and designers. The development of long-term strategic partnerships with other companies and collectives not only serves to expand market access. Kip Tik also seeks these alliances to open up opportunities for innovation and creative evolution among the artisan groups it works with, particularly within the poorest and most isolated communities. They also serve to provide additional employment, such as on-demand training and replicating artisanal projects in other Mexican regions.
Programme support:
Through their participation in the Mexico accelerator, the Kip Tik management team will work on the improvement of their operational capacity and product quality. Also, they will improve the efficiency of their business processes, to keep expanding their business while increasing their impact on local indigenous communities.
Another outcome will be the expansion and solidifying of their commercial partnerships and readiness to become a corporate supplier.