Nichoa Chocolate workers making chocolate

Nichoa Chocolate

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Nichoa Chocolate creates a sweeter, more sustainable future for both chocolate farmers and enthusiasts

Despite the increase in chocolate consumption, the cocoa industry faces the challenges of decreasing productivity and suboptimal cocoa bean quality. Climate change has negatively impacted cocoa growth, and small-scale farmers need more access to training in post-harvest processing, hindering overall quality.


Bali and Java, Indonesia

I-SEA programme Indonesia
in partnership with Instellar


Nichoa Chocolate, a social enterprise based in Indonesia, addresses these critical issues, focusing on the well-being of both chocolate farmers and consumers. Nichoa actively contributes to positive environmental and social outcomes by implementing sustainable production and agricultural practices.

Nichoa Chocolate adopts sustainable practices such as organic farming and agroforestry to enhance cocoa ecosystems. The company creates education initiatives to empower farmers with essential knowledge in cultivation and post-harvest processes, fostering improved quality and increased productivity.

The impact of Nichoa's efforts is tangible, with rising cocoa agricultural productivity, heightened farmer knowledge, increased income (including a focus on women farmers), and a steadily growing customer base. It collaborates with three farmers' groups across Temanggung, Cilacap, and Bali, with involvement from 31 stakeholders representing ministries, Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, universities, researchers, agencies, and NGOs.

Founder Andri Setyowati was formerly a midwife, and her journey from healthcare to entrepreneurship shows her resilience and commitment to making nutritious chocolate accessible. Nichoa's first product was created especially for pregnant and lactating mothers.

Programme support

While participating in the I-SEA accelerator, we'll support Nichoa Chocolate in increasing its production and distribution capacity and fostering a community of health-conscious consumers. We look forward to being part of Nichoa's journey as it nurtures healthier cocoa ecosystems and uplifts farming communities.